Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Time is Tight!

A week ago, Beyoncé announced to the world that she was pregnant. I'm just writing about it. Really? A week later? This is the new story of my life - Living Black Love as a mommy. I have very little time for anything extra.

Before our son came into this world, all of our friends with kids told us things like "Enjoy your marriage for as long as you can", and "Babies change marriages". You hear it and take heed to it. But until you actually have that precious child in your care, you don't fully get it. Never in my life have I been so strapped for time (or utterly exhausted). Never have I prayed so much that my husband would just fall asleep before I make it into bed (I'm that tired sometimes). Never have my feet been so dry. Since having baby Johnny, there have been several occasions when I've left my house without...

  • applying lotion

  • ironing my clothes

  • eating

  • thoroughly combing my hair

  • checking myself in the mirror

  • wearing jewelry

What's funny is that Baby Johnny never leaves the house without...

  • fully moisturized skin

  • neat-looking clothes

  • a full tummy

  • his hair looking decent (as decent as I can get it because he has so much of it and won't let me comb it while he's awake unless he's playing on the floor of his bedroom, which requires me crawling around behind him to get it done).

I promise I am not complaining, because I also never leave the house without...

  • giving my baby boy at least one big hug and kiss

  • praying for his safety that day

  • smiling at his "Good Morning" smile

  • thanking God for the blessing of motherhood

So, to Beyoncé - congratulations on being pregnant. You and Jay-Z get ready to make "It's all about convenience" your mantra. You're about to experience the best time of your life.