Friday, August 24, 2012

That First Kiss

I'm about a week late, I know (I was out of town with my toddler who was tiring me out, a computer connection that wouldn't connect to my laptop, and a lack of desire to write this post using my Blogger app), but I wanted to write about the President and First Lady Obama's first kiss.

Last week, it was reported all over the news (or at least everything that I saw or listened to) that a plaque had been placed at the location of the couple's first kiss.  It happened at a shopping center in Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood, and the owners of the shopping center had it placed there to commemorate the event.

When I read about it, I saw that the plaque detailed President Obama's account of what happened on that date, and how the kiss happened.  How sweet!  And I'm not just saying that because the date involved one of my faves, ice cream.

So, do you remember your first kiss with your Living Black Love-er?  If not, think about it for a second.  Ask your spouse or significant other if they remember.  If it's been that  long, why not attempt to reenact it, for old times sake?  If nothing else, take a moment to remember how it felt to anticipate that first kiss, and how good that person made you feel in that moment.  Then try to apply those feelings to your relationship today.  I'm no relationship guru, but it can't hurt, right?  I'm gonna try it myself.  Remind me to let you know how it goes...