Sunday, November 3, 2013

What are Y'all Doing Tonight?

We are visiting family in our hometown this weekend and doing some things to prepare for my sister's wedding next March. A good friend of mine remembered that we'd be around, and sent a text asking, "What are y'all (the hubby and I) doing tonight?" My response was "Hahahahaha", but I really meant something more like "Bruhahahaha!" I continued, "No one has asked me that in YEARS!" I wasn't trying to be a smart ass at all. In part, I think I was amused at the fact that someone thought enough of post-baby-Us to ask us to join them at the last minute on a Saturday night. I was probably more amused at what cornballs we have become, that I couldn't even imagine myself taking my friend up on her offer to join her and her boyfriend on a double-date. 

After sharing the text with the hubby and ROFL at ourselves, I answered the question in my head. Here's how the conversation went - again, in my head
Friend: What are y'all doing tonight? 
Me: The same thing I do every night: pray that my kids fall asleep early enough for me to be able to go to bed early.

Let me be clear. I'm not complaining about being a mom (or about the fact that we are two cornballs who couldn't name one social hotspot even if we tried). We have two beautiful, amazing boys who give us more love and joy than anything in this world. I just think it's funny how much our lives have changed now that we're three years into the parenting game. But as I type, I'm remembering the nights when there were no kids...and a lot of options for things to do and people to visit. And we still didn't partake in all of them. So has life really changed that much? Probably not. Is it hilarious that a simple "What are y'all doing?" made us laugh as hard as we did? Yep.