Monday, September 10, 2012

Who's Hot Who's Not?

With the change of temperature in our area this weekend came a reminder that Fall will soon be upon us. In our house, that means the annual "Temperature Wars" are beginning. To be totally honest, they've begun - as of this morning.

I had the windows open in our bedroom because I love a little fresh air when the weather's nice, as long as it doesn't cause too much discomfort with my allergies. Well, I might as well have dropped a nuclear bomb on Johnny because when he saw - no, felt - that cool breeze hit his skin at approximately 5:40 this morning, it was on! "These windows are open?" he asked with a mix of surprise, frustration, and disgust in his voice all at the same time. "Yes", I replied as I made what seemed like my eight-millionth trip to the bathroom this pregnancy, in my summer PJ's that do nothing to help regulate my nightly bouts of sweating like a pig.

After releasing my bladder and exiting the bathroom, I said to Johnny, "I'ma need you to work with me..." As you might notice, I didn't quite finish my thought because he was starting to get a little...frustrated. So I quickly explained myself before it got bad.

I simply told him that I'm sleeping in as few clothes as possible and still (as I mentioned earlier) sweating like a pig every night. I asked (as I do every year, multiple times during the cooler months) since it's getting chillier if maybe he could sleep in...wait for it...wait for it...pajama pants (as opposed to just underwear). And maybe even a long-sleeved shirt! He fought back dirty, with a reply about Johnny Jr., saying something along the lines of, "What if he's cold too?" I hesitated to answer, because of course I don't want my little boy to be uncomfortable at night.  But my thought was, I could just put him in warmer PJ's.

So that's basically where the Battle of the Bedroom Windows ended. This is likely just the first of many this fall and winter. When there are more, I'll be sure to share them as part of this series. In the meantime, if my hubby feels he was inaccurately represented, or simply wants to tell his side of the story on this one, he's free to post his rebuttal.  If any of you have a similar story, or thoughts in general about this, please share them in the comments section below.


  1. This is def a concern of mine when I get married, I hate being cold & hate AC unless it's 110+ degrees. I only turn my AC on when I have a lot of ppl over. Since the night temp drops are pretty dramatic this week what about a fan. The compromise, you'll still get the cooler air (though not fresh air) & Johnny won't have to sleep in a full sweatsuit or be awake by the brisk air in the early AM hours.

    Good Luck

    1. Well we have been married for 30+ years. We are always negotiating, AC or not so we keep our pile of blankets and stuff its every person for themselves but I usually win!!! I love fresh air too!!!

  2. Ha! Cute story. It's funny, because we both like it cool at night. We have the AC and fans blowing in our room during the summer months; however this morning...I was FREEZING!! I was tempted to turn the heat on, but I didn't feel like getting into a debate with hubby over it, so I took a HOT shower to warm up instead.

  3. We keep our air conditioning on 68 degrees year around it seems. Both of us prefer the cold...and I am always hot...if my husband didn't like it cold...we would not work out at all...LOL

  4. I have the A/C and the ceiling fan running, and the ceiling fan stays on year round. Tell Johnny to use an extra blanket. Problem solved.

  5. What a cute story indeed!! The battles/joys of married life! Compromise, compromise! Thanks for sharing. I am cold, my husband is hot. I use an extra blanket while he is fine with a sheet over him. We have not had a fight over this yet. Lately, maybe due to my pregnancy, I have been sweating a lot.. so, I am sleeping with very little clothing and only keeping the sheet over me and of course the AC going at 72. I think we go with the easier solutions; shed clothes if you are hot or adjust AC while the other adds clothes or more covering... it seems to work best!
